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The EGGroup is a strategic communications consulting firm. It was founded on the belief that clear, true, bold communication matters. Words matter.
In every setting and sector, when you give accurate, consistent communication aligned to your mission, vision and values you build trust and make a greater impact. 


After a series of community losses and tragic deaths, the Community Support Series was created to support Chebeague Island with on island mental health resources and support.  Co-led by Gabrielsen Neumann, experts from the Center for Grieving Children, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Dr. Ross Greene of Lives In the Balance presented in a series of community discussions, panels and trainings on suicide awareness and prevention, grieving and healing from community and individual trauma. 

Advancing Health Safety: The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

The "Million Lives Campaign" launched in Boston from the IHI, and was expanded to California by a grant by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The EGGroup led the brand strategy and leadership communications for The Beacon Institute, the CA-initiative to advance public health  and roll out the California public health campaign to end unnecessary, fatal, medical accidents.

After infamous corporate ethics scandal and the federal mandate of Reg FD for market transparency on Wall Street and financial openness for all, several years later the largest U.S. foundations and philanthropies as well as the largest national nonprofits faced transparency, accountability and financial reporting issues. After consulting to national foundations on financial transparency and best practices in public disclosure,  Erika Gabrielsen Neumann, presented to the Stanford Business School on "Financial Transparency in the Philanthropic and Nonprofit Fields."

Genentech, the pioneering company in biotechnology was nearing its 25th anniversary. It was time for the corporation to take an external and internal  strategic review of global community impact. Gabrielsen Neumann led the strategic planning and adoption of a five-year plan based on best industry practices in corporate citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility( CSR).  Under guidance from the EGGroup, the Genentech Foundation was created and aligned its business mission, "to meet unmet medical needs" to its philanthropic footprint and expand its positive reach.


Set your vision, purpose, mission and values. Be bold. Speak from the heart. 


Align your brand.

Listen. Listen. Listen. Engage all stakeholders in ongoing formal and informal channels. 


Clarify. Tell true stories.

Be consistent. Reflect on

your brand and your stakeholders' feedback loops. When your organization changes,

does your communication flow efficiently? 

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